Make an Eco-Friendly Change – ‘Eco-friendly’ may seem like an overwhelming change but it isn’t as hard as you may think. Making some simple changes to your daily routine can make a huge difference to the wellbeing of the planet. From reducing how much paper you use to finding recycling companies in Perth, these are some simple ways that you can be more environmentally friendly.

Reduce Your Paper Waste
In this digital age it’s never been easier to restrict your paper usage. Opt for electronic bills and statements instead of mail. Make a eco-friendly habit of reviewing your documents on your screen instead of printing them out. For occasions you must print, consider using environmentally friendly paper or print double sided.
Avoid Single Use Cups
Due to our obsession with coffee, one of the biggest waste culprits in Australia is disposable cups. These cups aren’t biodegradable and can become a major pollution issue. Invest in a eco-friendly reusable coffee cup or make your own at home.
Turn off Lights
Obviously a super easy way to save energy is to remember to turn off lights and other electrical items when they aren’t being used. If you tend to forget, this can be an easy way to save energy (and a little bit of money at the same time).
Use Energy-Saving Light Bulbs
LED light bulbs are around 80-90% more efficient than traditional lights. Making the switch can drastically reduce your energy usage. Plus when the light bulb blows it can be disposed of without causing any harm to the environment.
Keep a Compost Bin
A compost bin is a great way to get rid of food waste. If you have a garden, this provides a great way for you to find a way to reuse these products that would normally just be thrown away.
Carpool or Take Public Transport
By sharing your ride you significantly lower the emissions produced from your commute. Additionally, if you do drive, you can make your drive more eco friendly by avoiding idling and keeping a well maintained vehicle.
Use Reusable Shopping Bags
Plastic bags are a huge problem for landfill and pollution in general. Stop buying single use plastic bags and get a few long lasting, reusable ones. You can make sure you remember them by keeping them in your car.
Reuse and Recycle
While reducing is always the primary goal, reusing and recycling are the other steps for effective waste management in Perth. Reusing or repurposing can be a great way to revitalise old products whereas finding Plastic recycling centre in Perth can help limit the amount of waste ends up in landfills.
One of the top recycling companies in Perth is ECO Resources. They provide quality recycling and waste management services, helping to create a more sustainable future for our community and our planet. They provide numerous skip bin services and are an industry leader in waste management and resource recovery. For more information about one of the leading recycling companies in Perth, check out their website.
Remember, doing your part to help the environment can be easy. It’s rewarding knowing what you’re doing is having an impact. Plus, these changes can make you healthier and save you money. Start ‘going green’ today.